A Walk-on Part in the War

A Walk-on Part in the War

They’ve taken a chainsaw to every 24-pack of extra-large brown eggs in your supermarket, they’ve hijacked all the Jeeps in a five-mile radius, they’ve replaced all the movies on Pirate Bay with their edited- for-television versions, they’ve tossed all your frozen...
This House Withstood

This House Withstood

The blue plaster walls are cracking which we should have been able to see as long as this house has stood. I catch us looking different directions on the highway, cars zipping through; we nearly collide something cosmic. Meaning our souls are ready to ascend from our...
Your Squad of Zombies

Your Squad of Zombies

You lead your squad of zombies from the graveyard to the village and seat them in the café where they hog every table. The stink curdles living souls and renders the police impotent. You want these creatures for yard work, cleaning up winter storm debris and helping...
Pieces of people

Pieces of people

in pools of red rippling              out like ringsfrom bridge-dropt stones;        Pieces of people                           holding other armslips chattering in laughter        legs crossed in love;                           Pieces of peopletorn and stripped     ...


For a while, to put socks on my hands was to grow paws, sprout furry ears. I strained upward at the age of four, imagined a launch, pushed my mind into the sky, and wings opened out from my shoulders. For a full year I made myself into a dog, ruddy with pure love on...
Oh Deer

Oh Deer

I keep finding myself in situations where I’m telling myself: RUN. But I can’t always figure out how to get on my feet without putting myself in the headlights first. And I know, better than any of my predators, that I need that...