Update as of 11/27/2024: We are currently working through reading the backlog of submissions that has built up due to extended illnesses of multiple team members. We apologize for the large delay in responses. Once there is a more consistent submission response timeline, the submission guidelines will be updated accordingly. Currently, response times for the monthly and annual publications may be over 2-3 months.  

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at agapanthusgeinquiry@gmail.com

General Submission Guidelines for Both Publications

  • We welcome both English and multilingual works. At the current moment, members of our editorial team can fluently read and understand Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Japanese, and French. If your work is mostly in a language not mentioned here, we encourage you to submit translations in the same file or a separate document. 
  • Please make sure that there are no identifying information within your submissions, as we’d like to eliminate as many sources of bias as possible.

  • While we cannot pay you monetarily, as we are an entirely volunteer-run group, you’ll have our full love and appreciation. We’re working on finding ways to pay our contributors in the future. 
  • If you’re submitting a work based off another piece, please ensure to credit the piece either in the body of your email, or within your submission file. Do not submit work that is not yours. 
  • You’re more than welcome to submit anonymously to either publication, or submit under a pen name. We only ask that you let us know of your intent to do so in your submission email. 
  • Post-submission edits are usually inevitable. That said, please make sure to send us your most updated, edited work.
  • Please include content/trigger warnings for your pieces (if applicable) in either the body of your email or the submission document(s). If unsure of what warnings may apply, our editors can collaborate with you on creating such a list upon acceptance of your pieces. 
  • Please do not re-submit the same work to us after our decision is sent out unless explicitly asked by the editorial team to revise and re-submit. You’re more than welcome, however, to submit multiple times during one reading period, or submit other work(s) to us after you receive a decision email. 

  • Please DO NOT send us work that promotes bigotry, including racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, etc. We reserve the right to remove your work or retract acceptance. 

  • During holidays, exams, or other extenuating circumstances, the editors may not be able to get feedback and responses out within the ideal times outlined below. We will do our utmost best to respond as soon as possible to all submissions.


Submission Guidelines for the Annual Publication

  • All submissions are considered for our annual online issue, as well as our monthly feature publications. For our annual publication, we are interested in poetry, flash fiction, 2D visual arts, and photography. We are open to any form of these genres, including mix-genre forms and especially from marginalized authors. 

  • Please send us work that hasn’t been published anywhere else before (including any other websites, though work that has previously been published on social media is okay to submit!)

  • Submit your work along with a short biographical paragraph in 3rd person to agapanthusubmissions@gmail.com. Within the body of the email, please let us know if you’d like feedback on your work as well! 
  • We’re writers as well, so of course we accept simultaneous submissions. We only ask that you let us know if your work is accepted somewhere else at agapanthusgeninquiry@gmail.com or by replying to the original submission email. We’ll be delighted to congratulate you!
  • In terms of publication rights, we ask for first-time electronic publication rights, and all other rights revert to the author upon publication.

Submission Guidelines for the Monthly Publications

  • Submit your best work to us in any genre! This can be poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, visual arts, essays, etc.

  • You’re welcome to submit work that has previously appeared on social media, personal blogs, websites, etc. We only ask that you let us know if the work has appeared in any other publications so that we may provide proper credit. 

  • Submit your work along with a short biographical paragraph in 3rd person to agapanthusweeklysubs@gmail.com. Within the body of the email, please let us know if you’d like feedback on your work as well! 
  • In terms of publication rights, we ask for electronic publication rights, as well as archival rights to maintain your work on our website. All other rights revert to the author upon publication. 

Genre Specific Guidelines


  • Please submit up to 5 pieces of poetry in one .doc/.docx or PDF document.

  • Please title your email submission as “SUBMISSION: POETRY”.


  • Please submit up to 2 works, each less than 2500 words,  in one .doc/.docx or PDF document. 

  • Please title your email submission as “SUBMISSION: FLASH FICTION”.


  • Please submit up to 5 pieces of 2D visual art as JPEGs in one email.  

  • Please include a description of your piece(s) for accessibility purposes.  

  • Please title your email submissions as “SUBMISSION:   ART”. 


  • Please submit up to 5 pieces of photography as JPEGs in one email. 

  • Please include a description of your piece(s) for accessibility purposes.  

  • Please title your email submissions as “SUBMISSION: PHOTOGRAPHY”.


  • For other genres, please submit up to 5 works of less than 10 pages total in one .doc/.docx or PDF document. 

  • Please title your email submission as “SUBMISSION: OTHER”. 

Report Your Submissions to Submission Grinder and Duotrope!