Amaryllidaceae agapanthus
From the Greek Roots
“Agape“, meaning “the highest form of love, selfless love”, and
“Anthos“, meaning “flower”
Lit. Meaning: Flower of Love
At the Agapanthus Collective, we’d like to see works from voices never heard, particularly those of people of color, women, and the queer community. We believe that all literary works – be it three lines of the weirdest micro poetry, or pages upon pages of speculative fiction – are born out of love; be it the labor of love put into every character and every word, or a testament of love to a higher concept, or even another individual. Literary works need not be about love to be still be full of love, care, and consideration. As such, it is our policy to treat each work with equal care by reading blind, and giving as much feedback (if desired) as possible to every work we receive.
As a small group, we publish an annual online collections of works, as well as a myriad of works on our website monthly.