The Unchosen One

The Unchosen One

It was rare that I went to stay with you. So rare that you did not have anything in your apartment that said, “I am a parent.” No pictures of me on your wall. No clothes for me to change into. Not even a stuffed animal for me at night, though I was way past the point...
The Angels In Ocotlán

The Angels In Ocotlán

Oscar and Jaime were in agreement: while Jaime was at Sunday mass, Oscar would look after his dog. Directly before mass was an appointment with the vet, and directly after he would be on his way to catch a flight to Los Angeles to visit his son in El Monte—a decision...


            Most days, Renata liked being surrounded by restless relatives jostling for attention, laughing at jokes that were stale millennia ago, and singing ancient songs. Today was not one of them. And while she appreciated the many things these people did for...
A Star Falls on Mars

A Star Falls on Mars

            The sky was darker and redder than usual, making it a perfect day to grab water. My grandmother told me not to go to the river alone so there was Annenna beside me, swinging her arms.             “I received a message from Nikal yesterday,” Annenna said,...
Relationship Mechanics

Relationship Mechanics

Gerry from over the road has married his car. ‘It’s a beautiful colour,’ Julia tells him at the coronation party. ‘I hope you make each other very happy.’ ‘Thank you,’ says Gerry. ‘It’s a burnt orange, the colour.’ Then a little smile. ‘It’s what I named her after,...


To become an altar boy he had to satisfy a list of tasks and conditions; it was like earning a merit badge. Gary wished it was more like Boy Scouts, with ranks laid out within the altar boy organization that he could steadily ascend until he reached the summit and...