This Is Another Attempt At Asking You To Love Me

Kalpana Pandey
Sometimes it’s really easy. The sun is yellow
and then pink. The heart beats a little harder
for you. There has never been anyone else
who has made me feel like this – like my belly
has a reason to be full. It’s really easy, really.
The poem means what it says. If god did not want us
to question him, he would have not left
traces of himself in empty coffee mugs and
the dead birds I see everywhere I go. If I didn’t want you
to love me back, I would have never said it out loud

Kalpana Pandey lives in Delhi and is trying to navigate their twenties by clinging to lyrics and poetry. Their work has been featured in Rattle Magazine, Beaver Magazine, Second Chance Lit, 1800-Very Famous and others. Their newsletter can be found at: