Ode to My Butt in These Jeans

G.R. Tomaini

Thou are not , mine ass —

without buttress — worthy

of praises high ; miracle

sublime ! What trick is

this ?  Molded between

those fibers , black – jean ,

glory transpires ; ass trod

out , and shock the world :

juicilicious , taut , marble !

Who bequeathed our race

those holy , gilded cheeks ?

Immaculate folly , to wonder :

for who but Michelangelo

could wrought justice such ?

G.R. Tomaini is an LGBTQ Federal McNair Scholar who currently attends Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan. His academic monograph entitled Encyclopedia of American Idealism: Entries Toward a Novel Method and System of Philosophy is forthcoming both from Manticore Press and Rowman & Littlefield, and is prefaced by Dr. Cornel West as well as an endorsement from Dr. Slavoj Žižek; one of his five full-length poetry manuscripts was recently accepted for publication by A Thin Slice of Anxiety Press — Ballad of An American Ganymede: Or, Explorations of Queeritude In Fifty Seven Cantos; the work consists of fifty seven poems in the manner of Queer Existentialist Poetry inspired by Heidegger and Sartre. Two of his other books of poetry were recently published by Pumpernickel Press, jointly under the title of: The Rainbow Cantos: Two Attempts At Queering The Canon; the two works of poetry that were published are Kiss Me, Ahab!: A Queer Novella Across One Hundred and Twenty Cantos and Gayowulf: An LGBTQ Epic Poem Inspired By Beowulf. Tomaini’s poems are featured in Outcast Press’s magazine, Selcouth Station Press’s journal, Agapanthus Collective’s poetry line-up, Roi Fainéant Press’s website, and in a mini-publication by The Incognito Press. Two of Tomaini’s as of yet unaccepted poetry works are Je Suis Pierrot: A Jazz Operetta In Sixty One Modal Sonnets and Sinning Grace: Or, Psalms For The Damned. Tomaini’s works can be found at grtomaini.com. Follow him on Twitter: @GTomaini.

This work was first published in The Rainbow Cantos published by Pumpernickel Press based in New Orleans, Louisiana. You can support G.R. via: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/GRTomaini